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Estate Sales

 Posted on June 05,2013 in Estate Planning

When a loved one passes away, determining what to do with their things can easily become a debate. Sell it off? Donate it? Just throw it away? Planning an estate sale might be a good option, as it will help with the healing process, get value for the items and help clear out the home. As you are planning an estate, realize it will be a counseling session in some manner. Going through things right from the beginning will help you move quickly, efficiently and profitably. Do not throw anything away or disregard something's worth. The hidden gem is always a fun find. All paperwork needs to be in a secure place and the house itself needs to be prepared for the heirs. To conduct an estate sale you will have to make sure all things are properly set up. Supplies, such as price tags and cleaning supplies will help the sale to remain organized and provide a profit. After setup is complete, pricing begins. Contacting an antique dealer or an appraiser is one option - but if you are confident that you know the value of the property, you can price things yourself. The internet is also a great resource. As you plan for the sale, you will have to figure out the logistics. How will you advertise the event? How much staff will you need? What strategies do you need to execute? What will happen to items that do not sell - donation? Debris removal? Finally, how will you finish up the estate financially? Estate sales can be worth it, but also overwhelming. Following the wishes of the person whose estate you are trying to liquidate can be hard. An experienced attorney can make a world of difference in helping you go through the process smoothly.

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